3 signs that you're activating your purpose through your business

3 signs that you're activating your purpose through your business


In this episode, I'm going to be sharing all about the 3 signs that you are activating your purpose through your business. Let's dive in.

It wasn’t all that long ago that I felt truly lost in my business. In a way, I felt caught between two worlds. While I took the leap of faith to leave the soul-dimming status quo of the corporate hamster wheel that I had been on for a long time, I wasn’t certain of anything except for the fact that I knew I didn’t want to go backward, back to that world. At the same time, I felt very lost, scattered, and pulled in a million different directions. I had so many ideas and was creating so much, but nothing was gaining traction.

I was DOING SO much that my to-do list was a mile long. I was working an insane number of hours, I was exhausted, and I was holed up on my computer all day. On top of that, I doubted myself and the decision I made to take the scary leap into starting a business.


When I quit my job, I did it to become a better version of myself and to live a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Yet in many ways, you could argue I was worse off than when I had made the decision to start a business in the first place (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually).


I’m happy to share that right now when I quit my job back almost three years ago (actually it's just about the 3 year anniversary), I feel like I am in a totally different place than I was then, but I had to actively change the way I did things so that I could be more purposeful in my actions and in my business.

We all want to be a better version of ourselves and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life; I'm sure you can relate, whether you've left your corporate job, are thinking about leaving your corporate job, or are still there and happy, right? In many ways, you could argue that at that point in my life, I was a better version of myself.

Starting my own business and trying to live a more purposeful life, I was actually worse off than I was when I was on that corporate hamster wheel and I'm actually happy to share that right now in this moment as I'm recording this, and in 2022, I'm in a totally different place than I was back then. But I had to actively change the way that I did things so that I could be more purposeful in my actions and in my business.

It took some very conscious shifts for me to get where I'm at now versus where I was a couple of years ago. In the gene keys, specifically, the Activation Sequence that helps you uncover and activate your genius, there is one sphere of the 4 that is specifically called your Purpose. It is the last sphere, and the last prime gift, on what Richard Rudd calls the Golden Path of your activation sequence. This sphere is something that we dive into very deeply in my program, Radiant on Purpose. But I want to give you a little taste of what it is here and just a little bit about what we explore in the program too. There are so many interesting ways to think about this sphere and the activation sequence specifically.


But there is one thing about it that continues to come back to me over and over that Richard Rudd, the creator of the Gene Keys, has said is that your purpose is not what you are here to DO, it is who you are here to BE.


That is happening in your life. It's about being who you are in your life and that is your purpose, aligning to that consciousness of whom you want to be and who you're here to be. I have contemplated this and reflected on this for months and months, even years now. But ever since I heard this, it really just caught me and stopped me in my tracks. I think this is so interesting because many of us start businesses to live more purposeful lives and we busy ourselves DO-ing all the things to grow our purpose-driven businesses, sometimes working ourselves into burnout, frustration, resentment, and overwhelm and feeling lost and questioning why we even decided to do this anyways… and EXHALE.


We are so busy chasing and doing and hustling and planning that we forget why we took this leap in the first place. I’m willing to guess that a big reason you decided to take this leap into creating your own business was so that you could BE a better version of yourself and be a leader who helps and heals others too.


You decided to take this leap of faith for yourself. You didn't take this leap of faith necessary to do this. I am sure there are things that you are going to do, but it's more about you. You decided to take the risk so that you could be a better version of yourself. Yet, sometimes it’s easy for you to lose sight of this.


We get so caught up in the ego and agenda behind creating a successful business, so caught up in the DOING, that we forget the reasons we decided to do this in the first place—to BE joyful, to BE peaceful, to BE free, to BE of service, and to BE purposeful and intentional.


And in doing so, it’s easy to put ourselves in a state that leaves us worse off mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually than we were before we made the decision to start a business, as I mentioned in my own story earlier. We get a little bit lost. It's happened to me more than once. It's happened to me for extended periods of time. Just know this is very common, especially for us purpose-driven entrepreneurs and healers who have that heart of service. If this is resonating with you right now, just know that this is very common, so you are not alone.


Think about the person you aspired to be when you started your business and the person you are now. And where there's a discrepancy, where can you make changes in what you do to support the person you want to BE? Where can you make changes in what you do to support the person that you want to be and that you have decided to be?


Is it as simple as that? Could it be something as simple as pushing out a deadline? Is it pausing a project or task that isn’t serving you anymore? Is it creating new processes that better align with your working style that feel easier for you? Is it releasing unrealistic expectations and erroneous deadlines and giving you extra grace and love instead? I know that was definitely something that helped me along my journey.


Sometimes it's little decisions that help us be a better version of ourselves and the version of ourselves that we chose to be or that we intended to be when we started our business, so back to the purpose fear purpose sphere of the gene keys. How do you know when you are actually activating your purpose?


When I think about who I am here to be and the quality of consciousness that I would like to BE, to embody and project out into the world through my business, as that purpose sphere is being activated, there are 3 things I feel are happening in my own business now that is very relevant and applicable to anyone on a similar journey. Either you’re stuck in the weeds of what I described earlier, or you’re at this point where you think you’re heading in the right direction but want some validation.


These 3 signs or ways of being will help you know you’re on the path to activating your purpose through your business too.

First- You slow down and trust in divine timing because it allows you to BE peaceful.

When you prioritize being peaceful over the urge to bury yourself under an unrealistic timeline while balancing all the other commitments in your life, you can then create an environment of contentment for yourself.

When I think about where I was then and that story I described earlier, to where I am now, instead of feeling like I was always behind, like I was missing opportunities, I felt guilty for working too slowly.

When I think about where I was then and where I am now, instead of feeling like I was always behind, like I was missing opportunities, or guilty for being "too slow," I trusted so much more in diving timing and trusted that I was moving at the pace I was moving at for a reason.

If you’re more into force than ease, how can you introduce more peace to your life? Is it getting rid of the most forceful projects? Is it extending your deadlines? Is it loving yourself more and releasing those negative feelings you have taking up space in your brain?

It’s ben an active practice of just letting go or stopping the negative thoughts in my head when I missed those self-imposed deadlines. And it’s been practice over days, minutes, hours, weeks, months, and maybe even years that has brought me to a better place.

Second- You crave simplicity in your business and offers because it allows you to BE intentional.

When you prioritize being intentional over the urge to create a bunch of different things for a bunch of different audiences just because you CAN or think you SHOULD… while also getting pulled in a million different directions and spread so thin that you aren’t able to make any forward progress, you can then channel your most potent and powerful energy into each thing that you create.

So before I get any further into this one for my Manifesting Generators and Manifestors and anyone who considers them multi-passionate. Don’t take this as me saying you can’t be multi-passionate. It just means being intentional with what you choose to work on and how this thing fits into the greater ecosystem of the work you are doing or want to do.

When I think about where I was then and where I am now, instead of being everything to everyone just because I could do something, I now ask myself what I actually want to create and work on. My work has become much clear (for me and for my clients), more transformational, and the puzzle pieces of my marketing and offer ecosystem all came together easily and without force because I pulled away from everything that was not very intentional and I just let it go.

I simplified anything that wasn't serving me, wasn't serving my clients, that wasn't directly connected to what I helped my clients with very specifically, and in simplifying, what I did create became so much intentional. You can be passionate and you can still be simple in your business and how you operate your business. You can still be multi-passionate.

If you’re more into complexity than simplicity, ask yourself what you are doing just because you CAN or because someone asked you to vs. what you actually want to be creating? What lights you up the most? What is the most fun, playful, exciting? How can you make it even easier, simpler, and clearer? Put a pause on the rest.

Third- You stop censoring yourself and worrying about what others will think of your thoughts, words, bad grammar, etc because it allows you to BE free and BE even more of service.

When you prioritize being of service over the fear of judgment and allowing self-doubt to slow you down or stop you completely from a creative perspective, you can then ignite your creative spark freely and start to tune out the negative voices in your head.


When I think about where I was then to where I am now, instead of feeling super creatively blocked, staring at blank pages & Instagram posts because I was trying to write & speak with proper grammar or trying to match the content that others were producing, ideas & content started flowing and flowing and flowing, so much so that now I can’t keep up. And I know my grammar & how I speak is far from perfect, but while I have gotten many comments about how valuable my work is, I have yet to get a comment about my poor grammar or spelling.

If you’re more in the creative block than the creative flow… dance like no one’s watching and write or create that way too. Just write, or talk, or create in a way that feels easiest to you & let it flow. What do you want to say? What are the things that your clients, or you, need to hear?

Even though the path we take to activate our purpose is different, through our unique gene key and line and beyond, and how we apply it to our lives and businesses is different, the quality of consciousness and the state of BEING is similar

One-You slow down & trust in divine timing because it allows you to BE peaceful

Two- You crave simplicity in your business & offers because it allows you to BE intentional

Three- You stop censoring yourself and worrying about what others will think of your work because it allows you to BE free and BE even more of a service


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