The Best Way To Connect Authentically To Your Soulmate Clients

The Best Way To Connect Authentically To Your Soulmate Clients



In this episode, I’m going to be sharing the most authentic ways for you to connect with your soul mate, most aligned clients using your human design.

I'm a girl who is naturally curious and loves to learn new things. That's just how I am. And as a kid when I go to the library I check out the maximum number of books on different random things that I wanted to learn about and I read them all in no time because I just love to learn. This curiosity to learn new things helps me a lot in my life. In fact, in my early career marketing agency days, my favorite part about having more than 12 clients at the same time is that it helped me to learn marketing very quickly.

 To me this hunger for knowledge and knowing things is a gift but if it's not protected, nurtured, and managed in a healthy way it can be dangerous. Many times I've caught myself in the Google Rabbit Hole searching for answers to questions just because someone else had asked me to. I had to ask myself if I really wanted the answer to that question.

Now you can see how something that can be a very good thing like this thirst for knowledge is al most an unhealthy thing if it is not used in a healthy manner? In spite of that, this was a gift, and I shared it with others to support and assist them as they see me as a trusted guide and leader. Through this, we established authority & trust with our potential clients & allowed them to continue their journey with us. This helps you establish a relationship with potential clients by helping them feel safe in your presence.  

When I started studying human design, I didn't fully understand what profiles in human design meant at first. I was not sure how to leverage this gift so that it would become part of my life.

At first, I ignored it despite knowing that it was a key element of human design. When I finally started to incorporate it in my work it started to make a lot more sense to me and through that lens. I used to call the profile the Leadership Style because it helps you understand how best you are.

This leadership style is unique to you like your aura & is scientifically proven. As when one person comes in contact with the other they exchange their aura or we can say that they exchange energies. Those energies help you to connect with each other in an effective way. Moreover, when you are aware of your profile & nurture it properly it becomes the gift that helps to accelerate your potential client's journey with you. 

This knowledge of your profile and how to actually integrate it into your life & especially in your business helps you to connect with the right person in a shorter time is pure gold.

You are already aware of how marketing and branding strategies assist you in not only being seen and heard by your potential clients. But it also helps them understand you on a deeper level, like a soul-knowing level. At this point, you get to show your audience your strength, but at the same time, we’re not only dealing with energy but also, like a heart-to-heart connection, with our soul mate clients. It also shows them without them physically seeing them. It's like it helps them have that intuition, you know, it gives them that.

Here we discuss the detailed aspect of a profile, like what is a profile? If you're hearing this and you're like, "I don't even know what this is," your profile is a part of your human design. It's something that has two different numbers. 1 through 6; each number represents a different line. In your profile, those two numbers together tell a story. Ah well, those numbers 1 through 6, actually tell the sequential story of 1 then 2 then 3 then 4, and 5, and 6. It's a beautiful story of personal growth and evolution. And so in this episode, I'm actually going to be told you about these 6 lines, I am going to share the biggest gift, the way you can use it to accelerate your authority and know, like, trust factor with your potential clients, and also the most common pitfall that might occur if you’re not mindful of it.

But if you do want to learn more in-depth about how to integrate this knowledge and these frameworks into your own business and your marketing strategy, This information is the framework of my latest program, Radiant, which teaches you how to create an unmistakable brand strategy that glows from the inside out by amplifying your inner magic, which is currently open for presale. So let’s discuss these six lines one by one. 

Line One: Your gift is your body of knowledge, as well as your ability to connect that body of knowledge to various schools of thought and systems, to connect the dots, and to create something new or revolutionary. This is very clearly one of my gifts, based on that story I told you earlier.

People see you and respect you because of this vast body of knowledge, but what really matters is how you use this gift to layer it all together to create something new.

 If you are a healer, maybe it’s how you use different modalities together, maybe it's two different systems that you join together. For me, it’s the integration of human design, gene keys, and marketing strategy together in my own way and framework, which is a relatively new concept.

The biggest potential pitfall for someone with a line one is the need to know all the answers. Sometimes this need that’s coming from the unknown is actually fear that’s preventing you from taking action because you feel like you don’t know enough.

Explore your curiosity, but don’t get caught up in answering everyone’s questions or going down rabbit holes just for the sake of it. Trust yourself that you know enough and don’t allow that to hold you back from taking action.

Line Two- Your gift is your ability to flow through life and to master the things that you are passionate about and that are aligned with you.

 There is a certain grace and naturalness to you that you can embody that other people can’t help but admire, and usually, your motivation comes from within rather than to impress.

 The biggest potential pitfall of someone with a line two is not seeing themselves and their gifts clearly, not valuing their gifts, or even understanding what they are in the first place. Another potential pitfall is being afraid to show off or share those gifts with others because you don’t feel worthy to share them or don’t think you’re special enough.

 If you are a line two hearing this and you don’t know what these natural gifts of yours are, maybe you might ask your closest friends & family what comes so naturally to you that you don’t even realize. How can you put it on display for others in ways that inspire and uplift them?

 Line Three- Your gift is your ability to push boundaries by testing & experimenting your way through life. Doing things as they always had been done is probably not your motivation You find new ways to think; new ways to act you take what is tried and true and turn it on its head.

 You love to witness your process through trial and error because it helps you feel safe pushing boundaries in your world as well. By experimenting, you help others do things better and in more fulfilling ways.

 The biggest potential pitfall of someone with a line three is being so scared of failure that they never step outside of their comfort zone. As a line three, there is great reward, but there will likely be a lot of failure along the way, so the best thing you can do is to have a sense of humor about it and see your failure not just as your lesson, but the lesson of everyone in your audience.

Sharing the successes, failures, and lessons learned is important because in doing so, you are helping the entire collective see and do things differently.

 Line Four- Your gift is your ability to connect meaningfully with others socially and in communities. If you have a 4 in your profile, you might find yourself to be a pretty social person. You are often the connector of your friend group and can use these connections to ignite new partnerships and friendships that propel others along their journey.

People love to witness how good you are with people and how easy it is for you to establish deep & meaningful connections. You can form powerful communities or be a great networking hub that allows others to create the relationships they need & are destined for.

The biggest pitfall of someone with a line four is giving so much of yourself to others that you have nothing left for yourself. Line 4s are really connected to giving and service which is such a gift for entrepreneurs but not if you are giving from an empty cup.

You should honor yourself and your feelings first, before you give of yourself to others, especially since your gift is truly electric when you are in the presence of a community or group of people which can get draining if you are properly managing your energy.

Line Five- Your gift is your ability to provide simple & streamlined solutions to those that need it most. You are able to take all the information, ideas, and problems floating around and systematically create effective solutions that benefit the greater good.

 You are able to provide life-giving solutions to people in need that help them overcome obstacles & get where they need to go. You take what works and make it even better making you a very natural leader in the more traditional sense. People are naturally drawn to your solutions.

 The biggest pitfall of someone with a line 5 is lacking clear boundaries and lacking awareness of the aura you are projecting. Because people are magnetized to your solutions specifically they might not see the real you which can be frustrating.

 Or they may continue to come to you over & over asking you to solve all their problems which can be exhausting if not managed well. Only solve the problems you want to solve and make sure that others see you & understand you holistically as a full human instead of a problem-solving robot.

 Line Six- Your gift is deep wisdom and the ability to see things from a higher perspective. You have wisdom that is earned through your experiences and you can use that wisdom to guide & mentor others.

Perhaps you’ve gone through a lot at an early age and now you’re here to share the lessons, learning, and experiences with others so they can avoid the winding road you took. You teach others how to fish so they can take this wisdom & use it in their own life.

The biggest pitfall of someone with a line 6 is lacking patience. To earn this life-changing wisdom you receive, you will need to be patient through the experiences that give you that wisdom, to begin with, which sometimes is not fun. 

Trust that all these learnings, lessons, and u-turns are for your greatest good and for the greatest good of your future self & their audience too. Your wisdom, experience, and knowledge create a ripple effect that up levels everyone involved… as long as you stay patient & surrender to the process. 

But during this entire process, you need to be patient but the question is who wants to be patient? Right? No one actually wants to be patient, right? I'm pretty impatient myself, so you need to trust that these learnings and lessons will bring u-turns in your life which will not only greatest good for your future self but also for your audience too.  

This not only will help you to understand the significant energies in your human design and gene keys, but it will teach you how to activate and integrate them in order to create an unmistakable, completely unique brand strategy for your solepreneur business. So now you will understand what are these profile lines are?

This is strong energy within the gifts that you have, but this is just one part of the framework of what creates a radiant brand and a radiant brand strategy, and I have some really exciting news for you.

Radiant is now open! is not just another course, it is an immersive experience that is personalized to you and your unique energetic blueprint and human design with clear tactical instructions about how to take that highly personalized.

 Human design information and use it to create a Radiant Brand Strategy that glows from the inside out by amplifying the inner magic that is already inside of you. This program is for businesses at every single level. Whether you're just starting out in business and aren't quite sure what your brand is or if you're an experienced business owner with an existing brand and you're looking to just refine it and elevate it. The presale starts today and goes through.

This is a beautiful combination of personalization and helping you create and implement a radiant brand strategy into your own business. You just align your energetic blueprint with your business idea and put that out into the world. There's very much like there's a very energetic high level and there's also a very tactical aspect to it and we're weaving it all together through this program.

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