The Least Insightful Thing about Human Design is your Type

The Least Interesting Thing about Human Design is your Type



In this episode, I'm going to be sharing all about why your human design type, whether you're a generator, manifesting generator, projector, reflector, or manifestor, is the least insightful thing when it comes to understanding your energetic blueprint.


I remember the exact moment I discovered human design. All the way back in 2015, in Chicago, on one of those brisk but nice spring days, I was walking to the El train on my commute to work, earbuds in, listening to a podcast. It's easy to just pop in a podcast and listen to it while riding the train. In many ways, I had truly begun my spiritual journey, trusting my intuition and building relationships with my spirit guides. I started to believe in something outside of myself and the power of the universe as if all of this was happening at the same time or slightly before this.


That podcast was about human design, and I remember this podcast episode clearly because when the person, who I think was Jenna Zoe, started talking about human design, I immediately resonated with it and felt called to it. This was funny as I didn’t feel the same call with other similar modalities such as astrology, at least not at that time.


I was listening to the podcast, and I was hooked. You could not pull my attention away from what she was talking about. She started explaining the types of human design: the generator, the manifesting generator, the reflector, the manifester, and the projector. As soon as she got to the projector, I just knew so clearly that was my type. It was the truest splenic hit that I've ever had. And the way she described the projector just truly resonated with me. Specifically, what resonated with me was the projector strategy of waiting for the invitation, which is kind of funny because a lot of projectors struggle with this strategy or they just don't really know how to make sense of it, but when she described what waiting for the invitation was. I automatically thought of all of these different situations where I tried to force myself into a situation. I didn’t know it at the time, but my splenic authority was just firing, firing, firing like crazy as I sat there listening.


Back on the train, I was sitting there and my mind was completely burst wide open and as I'm sitting there, the podcast episode wraps up. I'm still on the train and all of a sudden, I immediately started googling and searching for human design podcasts. I bought all the books online and just started really digging in and reading things like the textbook on human design. It's not light reading, but I was completely immersed in it, and the rest, as they say, is history; here I am today, obviously, and I still adore it.

Suddenly, so many things in my life as how I act really started to come into focus and make sense through the lens of being a projector. Not just everything that had happened in my past, but everything in the present moment completely changed for me. But, being a true 1 line as I am 5-1 I really started diving into the depths of human design because I wanted to fully understand it in order to share its magic with others.


However, the more I studied and understood the underlying design of a projector, and the other types for that matter, the less I was called to identify as the projector type, and the more I was called to the design of the individual person who ladders up to the type. Let me explain more about it for a better understanding.


Human design is called the science of differentiation. It shows you how you are literally one in a billion by taking into account many lineages of ancient wisdom, from astrology to kabbalah to the chakra system. There are so many different lineages that this takes into consideration and these are ancient Chinese teaching of Iching and quantum physics, like all of these different sciences, some of them thousands and thousands of years old.

There are so many depths and layers to a human design chart—the centers, the channels, the gates, and the lines. Your conscious and unconscious design and the list goes on, and all of these facets are what make you truly and uniquely you.


And even though I identified a lot with being a projector, and in many ways, felt truly seen for the first time, there were also some things I was learning about being a projector that didn’t quite resonate with me. For example, this unspoken rule that a projector can only work for 3 hours a day which means that they need a nap and just need to rest the rest of the day. And I thought, "look I get this, but this isn’t always true.”


I've never resonated with an eight-hour workday. That feels like too much to me. I'm just too exhausted by the end of that, but I would say my happy medium is more like 5 to 6 hours, and what I was seeing online on social media on the internet was like "no 2 to 3 hours max." Like that's all you can do in 2 to 3 hours max. And I was like "well this doesn't feel like it's like this feels too generalized." The more I dug into my chart, the more it didn't feel like me.


I also thought that it was funny that even though this is the science of differentiation, everyone gets put into these 5 blanket types, which felt like it didn’t align with the purpose of this science.


So, in true line 1 form, I dug deeper into my chart. I'm a projector but I have one motor center to find, so that means I might have a little bit more energy than a typical projector, and so that kind of helped me like understand that nuance a little bit, because that rule or that generalization felt really constricting to me and I didn't like it.

One of the original things that I learned in this journey is the human design type. Again, the generator manifesting generator projector, manifestor reflector. But these types were actually not part of the original human design transmission. They were created later as a starting point to help people more easily wrap their heads around this system. It’s easy to get lost in the layers and layers and layers that your human design has and I'm not faulting that. I want to be very clear about that. In fact, I do recommend newbie-s to human design start with their type.

A lot of people come to me and they understand their type or they know what type they are, but they don't know much more than that. It's kind of a way for me to help, but I just find it interesting to dig into the evolution of this framework. In my time helping entrepreneurs integrate their own human designs, I have really started putting in caveats when I speak to them about their types because my guidance can change depending on their underlying design.

In the detailed chart: What makes you uniquely you? Your energetic blueprint and you compare it to these generalized types. Sometimes there are paradoxes that come up, sometimes there are things that are contradictory, and so for me, I always reference the full chart and what that's telling me before just defaulting to those generalizations.


I’ve worked with a projector that has 3 motor centers defined and is able to balance being a mom with a full-time job while growing her soulpreneur business, and that works really well for her. That 3-hour workday or 3 hours of work a day generalization just doesn't apply to her because she has 3 out of 4 motor centers to find she has so much more innate energy.


I know a generator that has only 2 centers defined (only one motor center) that feels the power of that lit sacral but doesn’t align with the worker bee assumption that most people have about generators and has more of a projector-like take to work. I’ve helped many, many multi-passionate manifesting generators, a type that’s known for its fast energy and impatience, who are some of the kindest, compassionate, and graceful people I know.


This list of "anomalies" goes on. These are things you understand when you look at their full chart, but you completely miss when you stop at type.

There is so much more to your human design than your type. And if this system resonates with you, so now I implore you to go deeper than your type. Understand the strengths and shadows of your centers, channels, gates, lines, and conscious and unconscious design. Give deeper into your gene keys and follow the golden path. Understand your true energetic blueprint; understand the nuance in your design; peel back the layers; get clarity on your soul purpose; increase your self-trust and confidence, and become the most powerful version of yourself.

This is why it's so important to go deeper than Instagram and other social media. There are so many funny memes about your type, but they are all generalized. But if you want to truly understand and have clarity on what makes you uniquely you and how to leverage those aspects of yourself to become the best version of yourself, You have to go deeper.


If you don’t know where to start, this is where I can help. Check out the links below for free, low-cost, and more intensive ways that you can work with me. If this episode resonates with you, I highly recommend you check out a Frequency & Flow Activation Session, which is your opportunity to work with me 1:1 to dive into the depths of your own human design and gene key blueprints to better understand yourself and your soul purpose.

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