What is Human Design? Quick Overview & How to pull your own Chart

What is Human Design?

Human design is called the science of differentiation.

But the truth is that it's actually an art and a science incorporating astrology, the IChing, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and the Indian Chakra system, along with modern scientific principles such as biochemistry, neuroscience, and quantum mechanics.

You are born with a unique blueprint that gives you a map of who you are, what energetic frequencies you carry in your aura and how you best interact with others.

When you understand and embody your own unique, energetic blueprint, you'll begin to step further into your own gifts. You'll better understand those gifts, increase your intuition and raise your frequency and vibration with greater ease.

This knowledge will also help you increase your awareness around what is keeping you stuck or playing small and can liberate you from that box that you've tried your entire life to fit into. It carries specific insights and codes that will help you unlock your most abundant life.

When you live as the highest, most aligned version of yourself, you are of greatest service to the collective. Despite being a very complex system, in this mini course and much deeper in the Create Method Collective, I'm going to guide you through simple ways of using it that'll unlock massive impact in your business and in your life.

If you've never pulled a human design chart before, I'm going to show you how right now.

I'm going to show you how to get your human design chart. So if you go to, you can go over here and get click to get your free chart. And all you have to do is enter your information.

You do need to know your exact birthday and you also need to know the hour and the minute. So you're going to have to look at your birth certificate in order to figure this out and make sure you do it on the 24 hour scale. So you'll want to do this, for example, if you're born at 3:09 PM, that would be 15, the hours, 15 for 3:00 PM, and then oh nine. And then you can put in, oops, that doesn't, it doesn't like United States.

And then you can enter where exactly you were born. So this is super, super important. So try to get it as close, to exact you should be entering exact numbers. Cause even if things changed by a couple of minutes, it could change what your human design report is.

So when you get your human design chart, you'll see that this cool body graph thing pops up with all sorts of crazy numbers. Don't worry about those yet. What you're looking for here is somewhere where it says type, and it'll either say projector, reflector, generator, manifesting generator or manifestor so this is super important

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Human Design Marketing Strategy & Business Alignment

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